Friday, October 17, 2008

%$^&"()*@# stupid scale! - Week 41

Well, this is it, the week I have been dreading for 41 weeks now. I gained this week. UGGGGH!

I know, I know, its not the end of the world, but still, it sucks. I was really good this week too. I was in the gym 5 times this week since my last weigh in. I worked out hard. I thought I ate relatively well. But sometimes, your body just says "screw you". Oh well, it just ups my determination to keep after my goals.

+2 this week (damnit)

271 current weight

28.1% BF (no change)
(actually, this means that, as part of my 2 pounds, I gained 1.5 lbs of muscle, and only .5 of fat. - so that's good - need to keep the muscle, and lose the fat.)

1 comment:

Melanie Bingham said...

I'm sorry the scale sucks!