Friday, October 31, 2008


I think that's what I can officially call it. I've been hovering around this 270 mark for a 4-6 weeks now. Normally I would be beating myself up over the fact that I've only dropped 1 pound in the last 2 weeks, but I'm trying to stay positive.

No Donut October went pretty well until this past week. I won't say I completely blew it, but I did indulge in many tasty treats. Including just now having an iced sugar cookie provided here at work for Halloween.

Not all sweets are everything they are cracked up to be. While coming home from Oregon, I was enticed by the aroma of the Cinnabon in the airport. I thought, "what the hell". So, I proceeded to purchase that ooey, gooey, delightful morsel.
evil cinnabon
Guess what? IT SUCKED! I ate it, but can honestly say that I came away totally unsatisfied. It was really disgusting. That's the last one of those I buy.

Actually, I've had this experience with a lot of things that I've cut out of my diet. Every now and then I think I'll splurge, and partake of some goodie. And more often than not, the food does not live up to the expectations I had in my head.
So, what does this tell me? Food is just that - FOOD. It is fuel. Yes, it can taste good. Yes, it can even make you feel better. But I wonder how much I take food, certain foods especially, and put them "on a pedestal" ( or a cake stand as the case may be), and just think that they are awesome, and more than they really are. The psychology of food and how I relate to it is an interesting dynamic. I'm trying to modify that paradigm. Experiences like the one I had with the Cinnabon are helping to change how I view food.

No Pain, No Gain.
I seriously thought that all the long hours I put in working on my sister's house, and then the plethora of work I've had to do before I left and after I came home, would have compensated for missing workouts. NOPE!
I finally got back in the gym today. It's been 10 days since I last stepped foot in the gym, and thats not good. If I ever expect to reach my fitness goals, I must do better at commiting to be in the gym 1 hour/day 4-5 days a week. It felt good to work out today.

My body fat % dropped. My body fat % is down to a new low. That's good! My lean muscle mass is up and body fat down. I like that. The more muscle mass I have, the better able I am to burn fat.

Goals: Well, hitting 262 by Halloween obviously did not happen. This is the most I've ever missed a goal by. It makes me wonder if I will get to my "under 250 by Dec 11" goal. I'm sure going to work for it. I REALLY WANT TO MAKE IT!!!! I CAN DO IT!

"If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right"

1 comment:

Melanie Bingham said...

You gotta want it baby! You can do it!