Monday, October 20, 2008


Not that I usually forward e-mails to 10 people so that I will have good luck, or participate in any sort of internet 'games', but my sister put up a 'tag' post on her blog, and so I thought I'd do the same.
I guess the idea of this tag is to post the picture that is found in the 4th folder, 4th file in on your PC. Well, starting from where? Desktop, my documents, huh? I figured I'd start with "My Pictures" and go from there. 4th folder in is called "Cabin", and this is the 4th picture in that folder:
4th and 4th

This is a picture of the autumn leaves up at the cabin. It was taken a few years ago, but the scenery up there is gorgeous, especially in the fall.

How in the world does this relate to my fitness?

Well, it reminds me that I need to get outside more and take advantage of the beautiful outdoors, especially before the weather turns really cold. I was going to do a trail run last Saturday, but opted for the more comfortable confines of the gym. I do that too much.

Oh, and those 2 lbs I had gained last week - they decided to wait till Saturday to leave. I was overall down a pound on Saturday at the gym. This is why I don't get too bent about scale numbers.

1 comment:

Melanie Bingham said...

Way to whip that scale into shape!
Beautiful photo! I'm not sure I want beach front in order to ive up my view!