Friday, October 10, 2008

No Donut October

So, one of my biggest weaknesses is donuts. I frigging love them. I may as well be Homer Simpson when it comes to donuts. They are, quite simply, a weakness for me.

In the past month or two I had been noticing myself slipping back into old habits of getting a donut at the convenience store when I fill up with gas, or just as a treat on the way home. My weight has not been coming off as fast as I would like, and I'm sure that this is part of the reason.

Now, I don't believe in total deprivation of any food. You will go nuts if you do this. BUT, I needed to break my addiction to donuts. So, I self-declared October as "No Donut October". Meaning that I will not have a donut, cake, cookie, pretty much any sweet, carbohydrate type bread product till the 31st of October (Halloween).

Its been working too. There have been times when I've reached for a donut in the 7-11, and thought "Nope, its No Donut October". The drawback has been that I may have inadertently increased my intake of straight sugars, like hard candy. I need to knock that off too! But for now, its about breaking the habit of donuts.

BTW, if I don't reach my goal on Halloween (happens to be a Friday and a weigh-in day) of being at or below 262, then No Donut October continues until I do reach my goal.

1 comment:

Melanie Bingham said...

Our no treat october lasted 2 days until we went camping...just can't do that when you're camping. Maybe I shoul try for one item