Friday, February 16, 2007

Thoughts on a Friday

So, when I started this blog yesterday ~ I had a ton of things running through my mind to post about. I can talk about goals, training methods, diet, what I can eat, what I can't, thoughts on being fat - and how much I hate it, how busy life is, how I like going to the gym - but don't think I have the time.... yada yada yada.
I'll get to all that. It's Friday. I did go to the gym this morning - yeah for me! I feel really good right now. The scale made me feel even better. I will only be posting official weigh ins on Mondays (Tuesday next week due to President's day holiday). After this contest is over, I think I'll switch to Friday weigh ins. I like those better for some reason.
Methodology: What am I doing? I'm trying to follow the guidelines of one Mr. Tom Venuto. He has a best selling e-book called "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle". I bought this 2 years ago, and read some of it. I'm going through it again trying to better grasp what he is talking about. Its not that I'm stupid - just stubborn. He has a very no-nonsense approach to fitness and weight loss. His "no-bull" attitude, no pushing meals, supplements etc, really appeal to me. But trying to make permanent changes in my life, like eating healthy, in the right portions, doing the right amount of cardio and lifting, has proved to be difficult. BUT, I'm getting there. Things are making more sense to me ~ and thus I'm able to figure out how to dovetail them into my life.
See, I can just ramble.

Visualize the end result ~ the best YOU you can be!

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