Thursday, February 15, 2007

This is where I begin.....

I really need to lose weight. I've been poking around the web and have seen others who have used a blog to chronicle their weight loss, and I thought I 'd do it too. Blogs still kind of freak me out. I still see them as some sort of exhibitionist activity ~ for all the world to see your private stuff. But, I guess its up to me to share what I want to share.
So, where to begin? I've been big and heavy most of my life. I've always had some 'pudge'. In high school, I was in pretty good shape, playing basketball and varsity football. Ever since college, and my first desk job, I've been slowly getting heavier. The last 5-6 years have been a real yo-yo, and I go up and down. I understand that the basics of losing weight consist of good nutrition and consistent exercise, not some magical pill. The problem has been that I do this for 1-3 months, then I hit a plateau, lose my motivation, and quit all together, and head back to McDonalds.
My weight would be chronicled like this:
1990: Begin college: 240 lbs
1993: Get married to the love of my life: 280
1994: Get internship~start life in the business world (used to be finish carpenter) 300
1996: Enter weight loss contest at work, beginning weight 349, after contest 319
1997-2002: Weight balloons up to 391
2002: Weight loss contest at work, drop down to 341 ~ 50lbs lost!
2003: Went back up to 357, then lost 25 lbs down to 332
2004: Yo-yo'd more, up to 362, down to 340
2005: Inspired by NBC's Biggest Loser ~ another contest at work. Starting at 371- end at 345.
2006: Took the year off from exercise and eating right. Gained 60lbs
Jan 2007: ENOUGH! tipping the scales at 405!

And thats where I am today. Well, not exactly. Yes, we started another contest here at work. I'm determined to not lose my motivation this time. We began the contest on Jan 22. We weigh in each Monday. Here is my progress so far:
Jan 22, 2007: 405 lbs 40.1% Body Fat
Jan 29, 2007: 399 lbs 39,9% BF
Feb 5, 2007: 387 lbs 39.8% BF (I was sick this week: lost fluids)
Feb 12, 2007: 390 lbs 39.6% BF (see, I went back up, regained my fluids)

And so it goes. I will be checking in weekly, at a minimum. I will try to post pictures of my progress. I will post my goals. I want to talk about my methods, what is working, and what is not. But for now, I think this is a good thing ~ it gives me some sort of public accountability and record to show what I have done.


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