Friday, February 11, 2011

Today's post is brought to you by the number 5

The scale, she is a fickle mistress. Yes, it's Friday and weigh in day. As you can tell by our sponsor, it was a really good day. 5 big ones this week! Yeah me! I think I'm finding my groove. Great workouts at the gym this week. Fairly good on the eating, although always room for improvement (I don't think a Hillshire Farm Cheddar Brat on a white bun counts as 'good eating' last night).

So, here are the no's.

Weight: 5 lbs this week. 26 lbs overall in 6 weeks.

Body Fat %: Up 0.1% (bummer, but still ok)

Last night I was running my son's b-ball practice, and actually got out there and played a little bit, running up and down the court with the boys, doing a little passing and moving around. Was it a pathetic effort by most standards? Yes. Did I feel better than when I did the same thing back in December? Totally! I'm very much looking forward to getting to the point where I'm doing this without hesitation, without fear of pulling something or tweaking something - as Nike says - so I can JUST DO IT.