Monday, February 28, 2011

Today is a new day

I thought I'd post a picture of me. Why? Well, because you should have a record of where you have been. I want to be able to look back and see my progress. I didn't do this last time around, except for a few pics when I had lost a bunch of weight.

I HATE having my picture taken when I'm heavy. It makes me mad and depressed. BUT, I have to do this. It makes it real for me (as if it wasn't already). It is that visual reminder that I've got work to do.

Last week was a crossroads, and eventually, the right stuff won out. You see, typically, I hit 7-8 weeks into a weight loss effort, and I begin to fade. I quit eating right. I quit working out regularly. Slowly, it all begins to slip away. I was really freaking out (in my head) about this. "No, this can't be happening" I thought.

I had to get out of my funk. I had to find motivation.
- I spent a lot of time Thurs/Fri reading fitness and weight loss blogs.
- I signed up for Sparkpeople, so I could track my exercise and diet both online and on my phone. And it is working. Yesterday, I ate the exact number of calories I was supposed to.
- I watched episodes of Heavy ( - A&E's new show about weight loss. Great show, in some ways better than Biggest Loser. While some of those folks are heavier than I've ever been, I can still relate to what they are going through.

While at the A&E website, I entered a contest for a 10 day retreat to the spa at Hilton Head Island where the show is taped. For the contest I needed a photo.

So, I took a photo this morning. Yes, I'm at 362, but I won't be there for long.

Its a new day!


Melanie B said...

NEVER NEVER NEVER give up.. I've thought a lot about Adam wanting you to climb that place that you and Jim did in St. George. You'll be able to do it next year and you never want to have to tell him that again.

JP said...

Thanks for stopping by Matt. It's hard to look at pictures sometimes, but it's easier to see where you're going when you can see where you've been.