Monday, March 12, 2007

Going nowhere fast

Well, this is how my declines would start. I'd have a week like last week, where I busted my butt at the gym, M-Th, ate really well, and the scale/bf% didn't budge a bit. I get frustrated, and I think "what the hell, I'm going to eat what I want". And thats kind of how last weekend went. I really didn't try to limit my calories Friday to Sunday, ate fast food, and didn't really enjoy it as much as I thought I would. The net result was 0 lbs lost, and 0.1% BF gained. It kind of bums me out, but I'm trying not to get discouraged. I was back at the gym today. We've got one more week of the contest left, and I'm still in contention. Turns out that nobody had a really good week, so I'm still solidly in second place. Catching the first place guy will be a trick though, I'll have to have a super good week.

I'm officially down 1 size in my pants. I put the 52's back up on the shelf and got down the 50's. They are a little snug, but they fit. My estimation is about 25-30 lbs per size. So, I don't think I 'll see my 48's until I hit the 345-350 range.

So, here's to a good week ahead. I can do this.

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