Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday #s

Another Friday, another weigh-in.

Down 5 more this week.

I was hoping for a few more, but I was a slacker this week, and missed workouts on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Tues and Thurs just cuz I could not get out of bed. Wed was due to going to Cub Camp for the day. But I got there this morning.

Hoping for better consistency next week in getting to the gym, and hopefully better results.

I've finally decided to narrow it down to one scale. I have one at home that is pretty accurate. I will go with that for my weekly weigh-ins. The one at the gym is good, and the one at MD diet is good too, but I'm always wearing different clothes when I weigh-in. The one at home can be done with no clothes - hence, no varying with the clothing weight. I'll still use the other scales, but they won't be my 'standard'.
I'm still managing to make good food choices. It's still hard sometimes (like the other night when I took my wife and son out for frosty's and I got nothing :-( . But, when I got home, I had SF Jello pudding w/ added protein - which is a pretty tasty treat.

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