Monday, July 26, 2010

1 week down, many more to go

For some reason I like to weigh in and check myself for the record on Fridays. I think it's because if I do decide to cheat, the weekend is the most likely time to do it, and I have the rest of the week to recover before I weigh in again. Truth be told, I weigh myself almost daily at the gym. They have a great new scale, very accurate, and I like to weigh myself before and after workouts, just to see how much water weight I lose during my workout.

Anyway, it was a super week. I lost 10 pounds. Can I get an AMEN! (At no time in 2008 when I was losing did I drop 10 lbs in one week - off to a great start!)

Let's see:
-I quit diet soda - cold turkey. I don't know why it is so hard for me to give it up, and then BAM, I make a decision, and poof, no more pop. Although, I was tempted Friday night when we went out to dinner. In pavlovian fashion, I was about to order a diet coke, but then realized that I'm off that crap, so had water instead.
-I ate really well, all week. Even going out on Friday night, I chose healthy dishes at the restaurant, had the brown rice instead of the white, etc. Went to a birthday party for a friend, didn't have the cupcakes. Went to a Family 24th gathering, and my dinner consisted of green salad and chicken breast.
-I worked out Tuesday, Wed, Friday and Saturday. A good start, but I need to keep going, and being consistent and push myself.
-Sunday was hard. We have church first thing in the morning, and with Sunday being a day of rest, my habit has been to sit around, graze and eat all day. I kept going to the pantry, sigh a bunch, and then grab a few raw almonds and walk away. Changing habits! The good thing is that I totally felt the difference. Typically on Monday mornings, I would wake up feeling like garbage. Today, I woke up and felt great. I think I'm on to something here.
-Speaking of feeling good. When I eat healthy, I tend to not have the afternoon drowsiness that comes from a high carb/sugar/fat lunch. I also tend to not have heartburn. So long Prevacid.
-My blood pressure was totally in line on Friday at my Dr. app. This is how it works: eat right, work out, take meds -bingo. Hopefully the meds won't have to stay around for too long.

The first week is always the best. Hope to keep it up.

1 comment:

Melanie Bingham said...

NICE JOB! keep up the good work