Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm Baaaack!

How many times do I have to start over at this???? Answer: As many as it takes to get it right, or give up and die.

I can sit around and be depressed about the fact that my last effort lasted for all of 7-8 weeks.
I can sit here and feel sorry for myself.
I can say I just don't care, and start thinking about picking out a casket.


This week has been great. I got back to the gym - 4 days this week. I feel awesome. Yes, I'm totally out of shape, but I feel great today.

It's the keeping it going I obviously struggle with. Not losing my motivation has got to be my focus. I've got to commit to healthier habits, food, gym, sleep, IN SPITE OF what life throws at me. ( I stole that from my sister, and she from her husband).

I almost feel embarrassed for losing the 10 lbs I lost this week. It should have never been there in the first place! I've been by this place in the scale so many times, they are going to remove the number from the scale and just put my name there! Never the less, I'm going in the right direction, and that is what counts.

So, the gym is back in play. Regular visits to the diet clinic are happening Eating better is the order of the day. The spreadsheet and the numbers and goals that go with it are updated and staring me in the face each day.

This is how it goes.

Press on.