Friday, December 5, 2008

This is turning into a monthly report

Sheesh, where did November go? It actually didn't go all that fast, but I just didn't seem to get any reporting done, or any blogging. Sorry. Work was pretty busy though. I did however, continue to go to the gym and workout. Eating right, well that's another story.
The long and the short of it is that the plateau continues. Damnit! I guess my body really likes the 270 number.
So here are my numbers for November, and up to today:
Date Weight Body Fat%
11/7/08 268 27.5
11/14/08 272 27.6
11/21/08 269.5 28.0
11/28/08 271 28.0
12/05/08 273 27.9

I feel like the proverbial rubber ball, bouncing around so much.

The analysis:
My eating has been way off lately. Fast food is finding it's way back into my life these days. I get busy, and running through the drive-through is easier than going to a grocery store. And then when I go to the Wendy's or the McD's, I'm not getting the salad, I'm getting the cheeseburger, etc. Bad, bad, bad! Then, I know why I had 'No Donut October', it cuz I love the damn things. I've had way too many of those in the last month. Confession time: The other night I needed something from the store, and when I went into the store(Dick's for those that know it), the bakery was calling to me and I wanted something sweet. I opted for a container of chocolate cake donut holes. I polished off half the box that night, and the rest the next day. Ugh!! Not what I should be doing. 6 months ago I would have gone in there and got what I needed and maybe I would have bought an apple. I guess I need to re-examine my motivation, and see what I can do to get my head screwed back on straight again.
~Working Out~
Its been up and down too. Fall is always busy for me, so I was worried that my workouts would suffer. I think I've still been averaging 3-4 workouts/week, but they are not the most intense things in the world. Since my stamina and overall fitness are better these days, the same workouts are not pushing me as hard or as long as I should to keep seeing results. I know that I need up the intensity and get back to doing more weights AND do cardio on top of it. Time is the killer though. Often, due to time constraints, I cut my workouts short, and so I only get 30 min in, when I should be getting an hour. Gotta make the time. I am worth it!
On the bright side, I did play in an indoor soccer game last Saturday. So, check that one off the list.

indoor soccer

Ok, it was against my daughter's team (Dad's vs daughters), but still I was out there ripping it up! I was making runs up and down the sidelines, and making cuts and moves, and yes, even scoring 2 goals. It felt awesome. Nothing like the game last January, when I could barely go 5 minutes and it was killing me. Holy crap it was fun! Now, I did pay the price. Just because you lose weight and exercise does not mean all of your muscles are fit and ready to go. My glutes (butt muscles) have been killing me all week. I guess the running was OK, but the cutting and other moves were outside my usual workout norm.

I was a litte bummed today cuz I realized that I've been in size 42 jeans for like 3 months now. I had been going through sizes about every 2 months up till now. 40 is nowhere in sight at the moment, and if I'm not careful, 44 may be back in my life again.

So, next week is my 40th birthday. My goal was to be under 250 by then, but that's not going to happen. Hell, I'll be happy at this point to be under 270. Its all good though. This is a process, and I'm working through it.


Melanie Bingham said...

YOu've hit the hard part. Actually i think hitting your goal ane then rebounding is the hardest..I'm there!!!! 20 Pounds by my bday...wel 19 as of this morning. Amazing how bad habits sneak back in there, and I've noticed I'm actually more tired when i eat the crap....but I do it anyway? That doesn't make sense.

Mark and Jana said...

You still look great and are a motivation to me. I don't know how I am 20 lbs heavier since the wedding. Actually I do, i eat like crap and don't exercise. I need to follow in your footsteps more. Why is it so hard. (keep the posts coming- they help us all)