Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Catching up

Crazy. That's the word for it. I've been meaning to do blog entries for the last two weeks, but each Friday (weigh-in day) has found me busy going and doing something else. Truth in blogging moment here: I am a thief. Truth be known, I write my blog from my desk at work each Friday, like I'm doing now. I try to wait till lunch time, but I don't always do that. Technically, it is stealing and I really need to quit doing it. Anywho, I've been busy, but there has been a lot to say, so here are the bullet points:
-On April 22, I weighed in, and I had lost 2 more pounds. Yeah me. But, I was still disappointed, because my sis and I had a 'no sugar' bet going on for the week prior. I won. Again, yeah me, and she owed me $30. I can have will power, but only for a week at a time. The disappointing part was that I had hoped to do better because I wasn't cheating.
-That week showed me how often I reach for sugar. I think I've been fooling myself thinking I was following some sort of eating plan.
-I think it's a combo of the calories and what you eat (carbs, proteins, fats, etc). I think you have to watch both.
-The following week I didn't work out at all, except for 1 day, Friday. And I ref'd a game Wed night. That's it. Boo!
-On Friday, April 29, I gained back those 2 lbs I lost. Dammit! But ya know, I didn't work out, and sugar came back into my life, because our bet was done on Easter. Did I mention that I really like sugar?
-Later that day I got on a plane and went to San Francisco with my mom. Fun trip. Great time seeing the city. Great food. Too much of it in fact.
-Downer moment. Had to ask for a seat belt extension on the return flight. I got by without it on the way there, but my seat was different on the way home, and while I could get the regular belt latched, it was uncomfortable. Dammit! Reality check!!! That, right there, let's me know that I have a way's to go still. Did I mention I hate being fat?
-Good moment. Mom to me "you need new jeans, those are too big on you". I know mom, but I like comfy, but thanks for noticing.
-Downer moment. Looking at my pictures from the trip when I got home. Unfortunately, I had to snap a few with me in them. I still look way fat. The oversize jeans didn't help. This is why I avoid pictures of me like Osama Bin Laden avoids capture. But again, reality check and motivation.
-Good moment. Those pants I bought a few weeks ago (when I wanted to get into a smaller size, but found the whole thing very uncomfortable to wear them one evening), well I'm wearing them today. They aren't my baggy, comfortable ones, but they fit. Yeah me.
-As I said, lots going on. Work and kids games, and more work, and the yard. Springtime is busy. Maybe that's why I always do well in the winter, and the spring and summer kill me.

Sometimes I feel like this guy.

But I'm sticking with it.

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