Friday, March 25, 2011

Reaping and Sowing

The Law of the Harvest. The adage is about as old as time itself. As you sow, so shall ye reap. Whatever you put into something dictates what you get out of it. The more planning, preparation, attention, focus and devotion you give to a project, a garden, a child, a spouse, anything in your life, it generally turns out well. We all know that if we neglect something, it will rarely turn out well.

As I was trying to think about how to theme my blog today, sowing and reaping came to mind. Why you ask. In a weight loss effort, such as I am now engaged in, and have been many times in the past, the law of the harvest is so very applicable. No, it's not an exact science. Not always do the efforts you put in for one week, dictate the results you see at the end of the week. I sometimes think that we fail to take a step back and gather in the whole picture.

My week was mediocre. I did not track my food as well as I should have. I did not eat as cleanly as I should have. But, I didn't overeat. I tried to keep my calories in check even though the foods weren't the best. Exercise was hit and miss. I skipped a couple of days at the gym in favor of sleep, but I've also had good workouts the last three days. It was kind of an up and down week. Frankly, I thought I would see little to no change on the scale this week. 2 pounds was a nice surprise. I wanted a little more than that, I wanted to be under 350, but I hadn't put the work in - eating, workouts etc.

Often times, I have to ask myself "How bad do you want it?" What am I willing to give up or change to get this weight off and live healthy? Change takes time. 2 of the biggest things I have to change are 1) to quit eating at fast food restaurants - meaning that I need to pack my lunch more often, and resist the urge to pull into the drive thru when I feel a little hunger pang, and 2) I need to go to bed earlier. The reason I missed the gym is that I stayed up to late over the weekend, and that threw my sleep cycle way off.

If I want better results, I've got to give it the effort it deserves.

Weekly Weigh In:
Current Weight 350.5 lb <> 2lb lost this week. <> Down 39.5 overall in 12 weeks.
Current Body Fat% 37.6% <> 0.1 down this week. <> Down 4.1% in 12 weeks.

Keep on going!

1 comment:

Melanie B said...

you want it BAD! you want to play ball with your boy and run with your girls, and dance with your wife. (ok maybe the dancing is a stretch i'm not sure your take on that one)