Monday, April 4, 2011

Stuff I learned this weekend

Me getting back after my 'run'

1) I am not near as in shape as I think I am. We went to our cabin in the mountains this weekend, and I thought I'd be a good boy and get my workout in on Saturday by doing a little jogging. If you follow the main road from the end of our driveway to a a dead end gate, it is exactly 1 mile. I thought I'd do an out and back. Now, this route, does have a few elevation changes. It about killed me. It was about 45 deg outside, w/ snow and slightly muddy roads. I did ok, but it took me 32 minutes to do those 2 miles. I was a little bummed about that. I've done that route quicker in the past. I was also pretty sore. The treadmill is very forgiving. Oh well, reality check.
2) Being frugal doesn't usually mean comfortable. I bought a pair of pants on Thursday that were 1 size below what I am wearing right now. My thought was, if I am going to lose weight, why not get a pair that I will grow (down) into. I fit into them, but the waist was tight. I went to a function Saturday night wearing them. Ugh! Most uncomfortable 2 hours of my entire weekend.
3) I set up my workout for April. Change is always a good thing.
4) Calories in vs calories out. This may deserve its own post later, but a conversation I had with my bro-in-law got me thinking about how this little cornerstone of the weight loss world may not be totally true - or at least may not be bound in good scientific theory.

Well, back at it for another week. Need to lose that pound I gained last week, and a few of his friends too.

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