Friday, March 11, 2011

This or That

Should I do this, or should I do that? To me weight loss still remains a huge mystery. There are tons of experts, plenty of people that will tell you to do 'this' or 'that'. It's a journey to be sure, and I truly believe that everybody has to figure it out for themselves. What works for one person might not work for you, and vise versa.

Today, I am frustrated. I only lost 2 lbs this week. And yes, while it's still 2 lbs in the right direction, I just feel like I'm capable of more. I feel this way because I did it 3 years ago. 3 years ago I was losing an average of 3-4 pounds per week, sometimes more, and very few times less. In the same 10 weeks in 2008, I had lost 56 pounds. This year, 33 pounds.

I wish I had tracked my food intake better at that time. I wish I had tracked my exercise better at that time.
Here is where I 'think' I'm different right now.
-My workouts are not as long right now. I'm pretty sure I was getting in 1-1.5 hours of exercise 4-5 days a week in 2008. Right now, I get about 45 min, 4-5 days a week.
-I 'think' I was eating more protein and fewer carbs. I don't know this for sure, because I'm only going off of memory here.
-In 2008, phentramine was new to my body. I think I have built up a resistance to it now.

Anyway, all that being said, I'm trying to figure out what to tweak. One 'do this' I'm looking into is to lower my intensity on my workouts. Keep my heart at 60-70% of max. This might be hard. It will definitely take a leap of faith.
My diet clinic is telling me to increase my intake of protein. Right now, I've been taking in approx 250g of protein per day, and they say I should up it to 350-375g per day. That is a ton of protein. I don't know if I can do that. We'll see.
Yet other voices say, "that's too much protein", eat more good carbs, have a good balance. Other studies say, calories in vs calories out is all that matters. Eat good foods, and stay within your calorie budget. Ugh - I just want to throw my hands up! Not give up, but holy crap, there's a lot of differing opinions out there.

So, for this week, I will be lowering my workout intensity a little, and increasing my protein intake -while lowering my carb intake. We'll see what happens.

Numbers for this week:
Current Weight: 357 (2 lbs lost. 33 overall in 10 weeks)
Current Body Fat %: 38.3% (Down .2% this week, and 3.4 in 10 weeks)

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